Past Conference Chairs

1992: Carol Phillips
1993: Carol Phillips & Barbara Welsh
1994: Barbara Welsh
1995: Nora Hall
1996: Andy Cain
1997: Jack Dresser
1998: Christopher Thomas
1999: Kirsten Yarzab
2000: Judi Taylor Cantor, CFRE
2001: Jan Brodie & Heidi Daniels, CFRE
2002: Heidi Daniels, CFRE 
2003: Tina Renee Parker
2004: Gordon Talley
2005: Molly Williams
2006: Margaret McNamara
2007: Gregg Chambers
2008/2009: Tanya Holton
2010: Lori Etringer
2011: Doug MacPherson
2012: Tobey Fossey
2013: Tomasz Kierul, CFRE
2014: Sara Andrews
2015: Cristine More, CFRE
2016: Cristine More, CFRE
2017: David Woodruff, CFRE
2018: Kate Villa, CFRE
2019: Maureen Pena & Kate Villa, CFRE
2020: Melissa Cording and Robert Ayles
2021: Julie Rafferty
2022: Julie Rafferty & Kate Villa
2023: Anne Norton


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